Stephen Keesler

Name: Stephen Keesler


Branch of Service: Army


Dates of Service: 1969


DOB-DOD: 12-8-1949 to 5-12-1970


DOG TAG #: 05-2023-01


Honoring a Legacy:
Stephen was drafted in 1969 at 19 years old after graduating from Smethport High School in 1968. He was enlisted into the 5th Mechanized Infantry, 25th Infantry Division, during the Vietnam War in Cambodia. Stephen grew up in small-town America, calling Hazelhurst, PA, home for his short life, a population of around 150 people. Stephen was the oldest of 5 children at the time of his death.


Post Service Memorials:
In May of 1970, his family received the news he was killed in small arms combat, and the entire town felt his loss and the weight war has on a community. His remains returned home, and he was honored with a full military ceremony burial, and the American flag was presented to his parents. The family honors his memory and the impact he left on them daily, and they are proud he served honorably during his time in the military and in the ultimate sacrifice made for his country.

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